FLATsite Documentation

What plugins are compatible on FLATsite?

Feature / PluginFLATsite Compatibility
eCommerceOur platform can support ecommerce sites, but at present this requires external services many of which are in our static tools directory. Feel free to check out Ecwid and Snipcart and other alternative solutions that work hand in hand with static HTML sites.
At the moment, you can use services like Shopify on our platform. We plan to roll out full support for WooCommerce in the near future.
Caching pluginsCaching plugins are not needed on the FLATsite platform because static sites load blazing fast having fewer server queries and no CSS on the page. We recommend disabling your caching functions when using FLATsite. 
CommentsWe support Disqus, Facebook comments and other third-party commenting features to engage your audience. Take a moment to browse through our static tools directory to see lots of alternative real-time commenting solutions that would work on a static site. FLATsite native WordPress comments are coming soon!
FormsWe have developed FLATsite Serverless Forms that works perfectly with existing Form plugins (e.g. Contact Form 7) in FLATsite.
ForumsWe support several third-party forum plugins like Discourse and others listed in our static tools directory. At the moment we do not support WordPress forum plugins such as BuddyPress or bbPress.
Image Optimization PluginsYes, we support a vast majority of image compression plugins. As a rule of thumb, images should be optimized to the smallest possible size using a tool like https://tinypng.com or WordPress plugins such as Imagify or Smushit. Image optimization can significantly boost your website’s load speed.
Infinite ScrollInfinite scrolling Is not yet available on FLATsite. Here are some alternative plugins: DMD Infinite ScrollWP EasyScroll Posts and YITH Infinite Scrolling.
MembershipsWe don't support membership login functionality as yet. Please feel free to check out our static tools directory to see alternative solutions that would work on a static site.
Minification (HTML, CSS, JS)Yes! HTML, CSS, and JS should be minified to improve a website’s performance. This can be done easily using a plugin like Autoptimize.  We plan to release our own minification tool very soon.
Multi-lingual PluginsWe currently support the Polylang and WPML plugins.
Redirection PluginsOur platform supports the WordPress redirection plugin to manage your 301 redirects, track and update 404 errors.
Security pluginsSecurity plugins are not needed on FLATsite because we have IP whitelist limitation access and run powerful security firewalls like iptables and fail2ban. As a best practice, we suggest disabling other security plugins so that they do not use excess server resources and put unnecessary load on your website. 
SEO PluginsFLATsite supports an array of SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and Rank Math.
Themes/Frameworks/Page Builders (Elementor, Divi, Beaver Builder, Oxygen, Visual Composer, Genesis, etc.)We support the vast majority of functions in these themes/frameworks. The only modules we don't support are those that require Ajax or query parameters.
Website Search ToolWe have developed FLATsite Serverless search that works perfectly with FLATsite.

Static Tools for WordPress

Didn’t find your theme’s plugin or specific functionality listed?

Feel free to contact support with queries about specific compatibility for your theme, framework or page builder.