FLATsite Documentation

How to Create a New Team

The Teams feature lets you organize your staff into ‘teams’ and limit access to the website instances to only the users assigned to a given website.

Only the administrator can create and manage teams. You can create as many teams as you want.

Creating a team

1. Go to Administration > Teams
2. Click on Create team

Create Team Button Image

3. Fill in the form

4. Click on Save
5. The team is now created

Removing/adding user from a team
Edit the team and select the user you want to remove/add to this team.

Website Access rules

  • The Administrator still has no limitation. Access will change only for SiteAdmin and Editors.
  • If a website is not assigned to a team, then all users have access to it.
  • If a website is assigned to at least one team, then the website is only accessible to the users assigned to this team.
  • If a user is not assigned to a team, he can only access websites not assigned to teams.
  • If a user is assigned to one team, he can only access the websites linked to this team.
  • If a user is part of many teams, he can access all the websites these teams are linked too.